Thursday, 3 November 2011

Publication Plan

This is the plan for my magazine after I have done my market research:


Positioning Statement: The heaviest metal magazine

Frequency of publication: Monthly

Price: £2.99

Distribution: bookshops eg,WH Smith, supermarkets eg, Tesco, newsagents, music shops eg, HMV and online shops eg,

Rationale: A magazine for true metal heads, who live for the music. The magazine will be more extreme than any of the others but at the same time be humorous and fun. It is aimed mainly at teenagers (14-19) but it will also appeal to a broad audience as well.

Style: Informal style, using humour and slang. The magazine is not afraid to be different and it has very strong opinions. Images will dominate the articles.

Regular Content:

  • Reviews (new bands and albums) 

  • My Life Story... (an article of the lives of famous metal heads) 

  • Access All Areas! (behind the scenes are major gigs and festivals) 

  • Albums that shaped my life (albums that influenced major bands) 

  • Underground (new and upcoming bands) 

  • Metal Health (A history of famous metal bands) 

  • Gigs of the month (gig listings of all the best gigs in that month) 

  • The Satan Supplement (A small insert dedicated to Black Metal)

  •  Reader feedback (feedback from the last issue)

  • Devil's Tritone (guitar masters teach us the basics month by month)

    • Death reunion exclusive- new album and upcoming tour of Europe. Shannon Hamm gives the interview.
    • 1349- Their newest album interview.
    • Burzum- Varg fresh from prison talks about his newest black metal venture.
    • Messugah- on tension within the band
    • Mastodon and Opeth- to collaberate?
    • Arve 'Ice Dale' Isdal- on his suprising muscial infulences
    • I, The Silhouette- The brand new band talk about breaking genres
    • George 'Corpse Grinder' Fisher- Creating a new super group, exclusive
    • Morbid Angel - 'Greatest death metal album of all time?'
    • Alan 'Nemethanga' Averill- Reforming Void of Silence
    • Chole- She's coming to get you!
    • Jonas Berquist (Nattdal or B)- Tribute to a musical genius
    • Lamb of God- New album!
    • Behemoth- Nergal's amazing recovery from leukaemia
    • Aura Noir- to collaborate with Nattefrost
    • Secrets of the Moon- reveal the new album and come back.


    Felix Titling
    Felix Titling
    Felix Titling
    Features first paragraph: drop capital in Arial
    Body text:

    Colour Scheme: Black, Red, White and Grey.

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