Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Audience Research

What gender are you?  Male: 10 Female: 10
Conclusion: The  amount of males and females is equal, so I will try to aim the magazine at both genders but I think I will lean slightly towards males.

What age are you?

Conclusion: Most people were between 14-19, so I will aim my magazine at teenagers but also make it feel inclusive of other age ranges.

What is your favourite genre of music?

Conclusion: The most popular genre was Classic Rock, so I will include more Classic Rock articles in the magazine.

Who is your favourite band or singer?

Conclusion: Most favourite bands are rock and metal so I will include these in my magazine.

What price would you pay for a magazine?

Conclusion: I will price the magazine at £3.00, because that was the price most people are willing to pay.

What 3 words would you associate with Heavy Metal?

What is your favourite colour?

Conclusion: Black was the most popular colour, so I will use black in the colour scheme.

How often would you buy a magazine?
Weekly: 8 Monthly:12

Conclusion: This means I will make my magazine a monthly publication.

What do you like about magazines?
The most popular answer was posters.

Conclusion: I will include a free poster with my magazine.

What do you not like about magazines?
The most popular answer was adverts.

Conclusion: I will try not to have too many adverts.

What is your favourite song?

Favourite song
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Conclusion for Favourite Songs: The songs are mostly rock and metla so I will include these genres in my magazine.

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